Let me just start out by saying that yes, we have an Elf on the Shelf. I know people think they're creepy, I know everyone thinks the thing with the dinosaurs is cooler, and everyone hates those people who do fun things with their elves every day for being overachieving bee-otches. I got it. You are totally entitled to feel that way, and if you do, I encourage you to skip my blog for the next month or so. Hopefully I'll be back to posting fashion and non-controversial crafting in a month or so. (Though lately, it seems like any crafting is somehow viewed as an affront to those who don't have the time or inclination to do it... but that's a story for a different post.) Anyway...
Twinkle the elf joined us two years ago, when the Bomber was five. At the time, I wondered if he was already a little too old for it, but he really enjoyed it and he's actually gotten more into it each year. This year he is REALLY excited about her. This may well be the last year he believes the whole thing, though, so I thought it would be fun to document her adventures.
Unlike a lot of shelf elves out there, our Twinkle is very well-behaved. She never causes messes that someone would have to clean up, and she never does anything destructive or disobedient. She sometimes leaves notes, and occasionally a small gift, but mostly she just shows up in silly places around the house.
This year she arrived Thanksgiving night, and H-bomb found her first thing Friday morning. She came bearing a note from Jingle, Elf-in-Charge, letting the Bomber know that she'd been assigned to him again this year. The note came on official Elf Headquarters stationery. Twinkle apparently had some downtime after she arrived and before H woke up, so she changed the Lite-Brite on his nightstand from the smiley face that was there to a festive Christmas tree:
The Bomber was SO EXCITED when he found her. He ran around upstairs looking for me and Larry, and then finally came into the bathroom while I was showering. He was practically stuttering with excitement when he told me she was there. Then he ran downstairs to find Larry and insisted he come upstairs immediately to see her. He read the note to us, and then we had a fun discussion about how cool it was that we got a note from the actual Elf-in-Charge. Who even knew there was such a thing?
We spent most of Friday out of the house, so Twinkle must've decided to visit with friends around the house. When he woke up Saturday morning, H came creeping into our room way before the authorized "wake up Mom & Dad" time, and whispered "Mommy, can I go look for Twinkle?" He eventually found her on the mantle over the living room fireplace, hangin' with the matryoshka. Twinkle seems especially fond of the second-smallest one:
On Sunday morning, the Bomber discovered that his elf has a sweet tooth. He must have caught her in the act, because she didn't quite make it out of the Halloween candy before he came down:
And finally, this morning Twinkle left a fun message from Santa regarding the Bomber's current status:
So far, so good, apparently:
So that's it for now - check back later in the week and see what else our elf has been up to! Four days down, and 23 more to go. What is Twinkle going to do all month? I have no idea...thank goodness for Pinterest!
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