This morning while I was working (before dawn had even cracked, which is not my finest hour under the best of circumstances), I was the victim of a vicious and unprovoked attack. Right in the middle of my last cardio set, a GIANT palmetto bug flew at me and landed on my back. Just typing that makes me want to shudder, so it probably comes as no surprise that I screamed like a little girl and beat myself about the shoulders and back until I got it off. Poor Larry jumped out of bed and came barreling down the stairs to find me quivering and stuttering "p-p-p-p-p...A BUG! THERE!" Of course, by the time I got that out, the vile creature had escaped to parts unknown, although the cat did appear to be on the case. I'm hoping when I get home, there will be nothing left but the legs, which she steadfastly refuses to eat.
Anyway, these enormous flying cockroaches are one of my least favorite things about living in SC, and I thought they'd make a good first entry for a Thursday Thirteen. So here are thirteen things I hate about living in South Carolina:
1. The palmetto bugs. These are the foulest, most disgusting creatures to ever skitter across the face of the earth. Of course, the fact that I had a close encounter with one this very morning may be coloring my opinion a little, but really only a VERY little. They're so gross, they make me nostalgic for the little German roaches we had in our apartment in NYC (which was unfortunately located adjacent to the garbage chute). Those suckers were plentiful, but they scattered when you turned the light on, and they never EVER once tried to attack me.
2. The heat. Sweet mercy, it's hot here. Oh, it gets just as hot in the northeast, but only for a few days at time, maybe a week, and then it cools down to a reasonable temperature again. Here in SC, we have weeks and weeks and weeks of excruciatingly hot weather, where overnight lows are in the 80s. I'm sorry, but 82F is NOT a low. It's a high. There's a reason for the saying "the only thing between Columbia and hell is a screen door." Which leads me to...
3. The humidity. Dear GOD, the HUMIDITY. It starts building up in April and it doesn't let up until November. My hair is absolutely hopeless for a good three months, and taking a shower is all but pointless, since you end up as sweaty when you get out as you were when you got in. Walking outside from an air conditioned place is like walking into a wall. Which leads me to...
4. The supercooled public areas. In response to the overwhelming heat and humidity, every public place in the state is air conditioned within an inch of its life. I think it might be a state regulation that all public areas must be cooled inversely proportionate to the outside temperature; when it's 104F outside, it has to be 52F or cooler inside. How dumb is it to have to carry a sweater around in 98 degree heat, just in case I have to into a store and don't want to get frostbite?
5. The driving. I believe I have made myself fairly clear on this issue , so I won't belabor this point.
6. The pizza. Or lack thereof. There are finally a few passable pizza places in town, but I had to suffer though six years of pizza deprivation before their arrival. It's not that hard, really... dough, tomato sauce, cheese, maybe some other stuff. WHY is it so bad here? And by the way, Parmesan cheese does NOT belong on the crust of a pizza. (Yes, I'm taking to you, Mellow Mushroom.) Which brings me to...
7. The bagels. The situation with bagels is not nearly as dire as the pizza, but still, it's damn hard to get a decent bagel around these parts. Publix does a fair job with their bagels, but I do miss a warm, soft, round one from Hot & Crusty.
8. The jaywalking. I actually don't know if this is state-wide or just a Columbia thing, but good grief people, if there is a vehicle driving down the road at 45 MPH, don't walk out in front of it and expect it to stop for you! And by the way? Those parallel lines right near the intersections running from one sidewalk to another? Those are called cross-walks, and THAT'S where you're supposed to cross. I know that's not as convenient for you as darting out from between parked cars in the middle of the block to get to the pawn shop on the other side, but imagine how inconvenient getting creamed is going to be. For both of us. Also, if you see a green Beetle coming down Assembly St., I don't recommend you jaywalk in front of it. I've heard the driver's one of those crazy yankees; she might not stop.
9. The lack of motorcycle helmet laws. I guess it should be no skin off my nose (or my skull, for that matter), but it makes me insane when I see people on motorcycles without helmets. Don't people care if they scramble their brains?
10. The politics. I hate living in a big old red state. Yes, I live in the bluest part of the teeny blue dot in the middle of it, but it bums me out that my vote is essentially useless.
11. The lack of caselaw. I admit, I was really spoiled practicing in NYC. In New York, practically every decision, from those rendered by city courts, all the way up to the Court of Appeals (which is the highest court in NY - the Supreme Court is actually the trial level court. Don't ask me why...) is published, so it's easy to find a case that says what you want it to say. Yeah, a decision from the Otsego county traffic court might not be binding precedent in Supreme Court, Kings County, but at least you can find something to hang your hat on. In SC, only the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court cases are reported, and there's only been a Court of Appeals since 1983. That makes precedential case law slim pickings, indeed.
12. The distance from home. I miss my family, and I hate being 700 miles away from them, especially now that I have the H-bomb. Yes, this isn't poor old South Carolina's fault, and it didn't force me to move here, but I never said I was rational.
13. The palmetto bugs. Yeah, I know I did them already, but I really, really REALLY hate them. Really.
And before any of my local friends get their knickers in a twist, mostly I really enjoy living here in SC, and I promise to do 13 things I love about it next week.